In a sense, this is long overdue. For a while we have been operating as a ‘winging it’, ‘rag tag’ bunch of BYU Fans that one day figured “hey, let's start a podcast.” And in a very real sense, that’s still who we are. Trevor and Hunter still have yet to meet in person. And most people still view this as “Joe Wheat’s Podcast.” But despite not being the polished capital-J journalist types, we figured a functioning website was in order. (Some of you may have already stumbled on our old site but we’re not counting that one lol).
We hope that this page can continue to grow just as The Hype Train Podcast has grown over the last couple of years.
We have big plans for The Hype Train and without divulging too much about our plans (we don’t want to make promises that don’t end up happening), we will say that this website will hopefully be a starting point for most of, if not all, of those plans.
So, in the meantime, fans can expect some semi-frequent blogs posts and articles to be posted here as we continue to grow and evolve as a podcast and as a source for commentary on BYU Sports. We don’t promise that we’ll be better than other BYU News Sites like Give ‘Em Hell, KSL Sports, ESPN 960 or the rest. In fact, this may very well be at the bottom of the list in terms of journalistic insights and quality of writing. But we do promise that fans can expect us to keep it fun and light-hearted, the way sports are meant to be!
So, if you haven’t yet, go listen and subscribe to The Hype Train Podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google or Anchor and then go ahead and bookmark this website.
Welcome Aboard the BYU Hype Train.